Lughnasadh, Lammas, August 1

HolidaysBERLIN (Reuters) – German employees high the European Union in time off with a median of 30 days of paid go away plus 10 days of public holidays per year, the IW institute stated on Monday.

The historic Roman Nemoralia festival was held in reward of Diana, the goddess of the hunt within the territory of Aricia, at Nemi, about sixteen miles southeast of Rome. Diana was believed to preside over the forests of Aricia, where there was a grove, or nemus housing a famous shrine dedicated to the goddess. Diana’s priest was called rex nemorensis, the king of the grove. It was customary that the rex nemorensis needs to be a runaway slave who received into his royal office by hunting down and killing his predecessor.

There is a limited quantity of evidence to counsel that the Lupercalia was the precedent for modern Valentine’s Day customs. As part of the ceremony, they might drop ladies’ names in a box and let boys draw them out, so pairing them up until the next Lupercalia occurred. Please fee this text using the scale below. The scale is from 1 to 10, the place 10 is the perfect and 1 is the worst. Columbus Day is the second Monday of October. A federal holiday since 1937, Columbus Day commemorates navigator Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the Americas; his arrival famous on October 12, 1492.

During the observance all wars were stopped. A sacrifice of a young white cow to Jupiter set off the celebrations adopted by a ritual pouring of milk. Roman individuals of the time did not know wine, because the grape had not yet been introduced into Italy. Following the ritual, the meat of the sacrificial animal was used for a communal meal.

World Naked Bike Ride Month: You heard me proper…bare bike riding…don’t blame me. I didn’t make it up. Do this at your own danger. Public nudity can land you in jail, and nobody needs to go to jail bare. Another legend has it that Mamurius, with a name that was an apparent variation of Mars, symbolized the previous year, driven away on the day earlier than the primary full moon of the new yr within the Roman calendar.

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